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How to Treat Termites in Walls?

Subterranean termite is a crafty pest. The insect prefers concealed, damp and dark out-of-sight places, that is why sometimes it is rather complicated to find the presence of termites’ colony nest inside a house and the problem of termites’ infestation becomes serious and sometimes irretrievable.

Termites have gone further in their eating “habits”: it is easier for them to eat cellulose than to devour just the wood pieces, that is why termites have become a frequent “guest” in walls, no matter what material they are made of.

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Termite control methods

Termites are the order of phytophagous insects. Although they look like ants and usually considered to be white ants by most people, they actually resemble cockroaches by their organisms.

These insects can be a real danger for people’s property and even lives. They usually destroy trees and wooden constructions as their main food is cellulose.

And if they have appeared at your place, it would be a real problem to get rid of them. In this article we are going to analyse some effective methods of termite control.

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“Green” Method for Killing Termites – Nematodes

While termites are invading many houses, the owners of these houses are trying to find a perfect way of fighting with them. Termites may cause serious house damages and property owners will have to pay a lot of money in order to cover the losses.

The problem is that it is really hard to eliminate termite colonies completely. In addition to this, not all house owners may afford calling a professional pest control service. Furthermore, it is also very important to remember about humans’ health; that is why “green” methods are very popular among house owners.

Nematodes are in the list of “green” methods, but the effectiveness of this method is a serious question which should be answered. Let’s see how to use nematodes for killing termites.

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Pros and Cons of Orange Oil Termite Treatment

While many people are living in the house they are not thinking that there can be a serious threat inside or under their house. This threat can lead to thousand dollars losses and is called termites.

The problem is that termites can start eating wooden materials and house owners will not notice that until termite presence becomes visible. In order to deal with termite problem there are many different ways but not all of them are environmentally friendly.

Furthermore, many house owners start worrying if termiticide which they choose is safe for them and their family. That becomes the main reason of their preferences to other, “green” options. And orange oil may be one of them.

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Sure Method to Kill Pests: Heat Treatment for Termites

We are living at the times when protection of the environment is not only what a long-haired hippy care about. Green has gone mainstream.

More and more people are looking for better, more eco-responsible ways of handling everyday problems, previously solved with chemicals.

The same goes about termites, before you start pouring gallons of Termidor onto your soil, think, maybe there’s less toxic solution.

For example, one of the most natural ways of handling the termite infestation is a heat treatment. Let’s learn more about the process – killing termites with heat. The termite heat treatment reviews are below.

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