Fast and Reliable Way to Kill Pests: Termidor Termite Treatment

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Termites are one of the biggest problems for homeowners in certain areas in USA and other countries.

There’re many species and lots of time and money are used every year to fight them all.

But is it possible to have just one solution for all problems? Is there a perfect insecticide that fits all causes?

Let’s look at Termidor, the believed by many magical solution.

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  • What is Termidor termite treatment?
  • What is Fipronil?
  • Is Termidor good for termite treatment?
  • Is the use of Termidor safe?
  • How to apply termidor?
  • Useful articles
  • Helpful video
  • Should I use Termidor treatment?
  • What is Termidor termite treatment?

    Termidor is a trademark name, but what we going to look at is Fipronilthe insecticide, that is the base for the products labeled Termidor.

    Fipronil was discovered in the eighties by Rhone-Poulenc, French chemical and pharmaceutical company. Right now the patent holder is BASF (the largest chemical producer in the world, based in Germany).

    Termidor termite control is been tested on more than 250 different insect pests on crops and almost 40% of all the produced fipronil is used for crop pest control. Termidor termite treatment is especially popular in China for rice fields protection. On the fields its’s used to eliminate:

    Photo 2

    • Lepidopteran (moth, butterfly etc.).
    • Orthopteran (grasshopper, locust etc.).
    • Coleopteran larvae (beetle).

    In US it has different names:

    • Goliath and Nexa (against cockroaches and ants).
    • Chipco Choice (against the corn pests).
    • Termidor (against termites).

    Important! In some states the certified pest control operators are not allowed to use Termidor for termites. The states where Termidor is restricted include Alaska, Nebraska, South Caroline, Indiana, Connecticut, Washington State, New York.

    Here you can learn more information about another effective termite control remedies: Bora-Care, Boric acid, Borate, Chlorpyrifos, Chlordane, Borax, Timbor and Terminator.

    What is Fipronil?

    Fipronil has a toxic effect on the central nervous system of the insect, which causes hyperexcitation of pest nerves and muscles.

    So if you’re using it as a bait, the process goes this way:

    1. Termite eats the poison.
    2. The insect comes back in the nest and shares the bait.
    3. The poison spreads around the whole colony.
    4. In three days, chances are 95% of the colony is dead.

    There’re some problems with the use of Fipronil. Logically, such a strong poison cannot be completely safe for other living creatures, so it’s known that the insecticide is also toxic to:

    • Fish and aquatic invertebrates.
    • Bees.
    • Upland game birds.
    • Rabbits.

    In France, the native country of Fipronil it caused in 2003 a mass death of bees due to the seed treatment that was wrongfully executed. Produced dust had an impact on the bees. Since then, the seed treatment with fipronil is banned in this country.

    In 2013 fipronil was also banned for use on corn and sunflowers within the European Union.

    Check out the products of such giants as Bayer – Termite Killer Concentrate and Granules; and Spectracide – Termite Killer concentrate, sprayer, foam and Baiting stakes.

    Is Termidor good for termite treatment?

    Photo 3So with all the above said, let’s get back to Termidor itself.

    For the moment the effectiveness of Termidor termite killer is close to 100%.

    It can be used against any termite species of any type.

    This includes drywood, dampwood and subterranean termites.

    There’re two forms of this insecticide on the market:

    1. Dust.
    2. Residual termicide.

    The dust should be used outdoors on the known termite nest or in form of bait. The residual termicide is a soil treatment measure.

    As a prevention method of soil treatment, Termidor has a unique quality of killing the entire termite colonies that came in contact with it.

    Many other insecticides put in soil barriers that are repellent for the termites, and simply keep them away from the house, without destroying the nest.

    Now, what type of Termidor will be efficient for your termites? Well it’s easy. If you have the drywood termites thriving in your building structure you can use the bait version.

    You will need to transform a delicious dry piece of wood into a poisoned apple and the workers eating through the treated piece of wood will bring death to the rest of colony. Though Termidor is not recommended for indoor use.

    If the pest you’re fighting is most likely a subterranean termite, then you will need to apply liquid ermite chemical Termidor in form of soil treatment. The termites of this species have their colony nesting underground, and to your house they pass through the soil.

    So if the ground around the building was treated with insecticide, the termites passing through their habitual corridors bring the poison on their skin to the nest. When they are dead the fellow termites eat their bodies, digesting the insecticide and then spreading it the same way as drywood termites.

    Here you can learn more information about effective treatment method called tenting (fumigation): dangers for termites, preparing for fumigation and cleaning after, how long does this procedure last?

    Is the use of Termidor safe?

    Photo 4Well, theoretically it should be.

    Termidor termite spray can be applied only by licensed professional pest controllers in concentration of 0.06% of water solution.

    Its odorless and is classified as one posing low hazard to humans, cats and dogs.

    But obviously, that is the information that the producers of Termidor want you to know. Let’s look at the other side of the coin.

    Low hazard doesn’t mean “no hazard”. If you come in short contact with fipronil, for example with the skin or eyes it can result in minor irritation. If ingested by accident it can cause such severe symptoms as seizures, vomiting, stomach pain and dizziness.

    But, ok, let’s not drink it and use it the way it is supposed to, will it bring any damage to wildlife?

    The biggest problem termidor can bring is the contamination of water. It’s highly dangerous for amphibians and fish. So one thing you should be particular careful about is not to use this insecticide near waterways, gutters or wells.

    So, to sum up, whilst using termidor termite treatment, safety measures should be followed compulsory.

    How to apply termidor?

    You can apply and even purchase Termidor only if you’re a licensed professional. If you’re such, then start with the preparation.

    First of all, you need to choose a good day. Check the forecast – if it will be raining within 48 hours after application the effectiveness of the treatment will be compromised.

    You may need to prepare the soil, drill small holes or separate the soil another way to let the insecticide go through it. If the soil is too dry you should spray water around before Termidor is use.

    For treatment execution you have to wear a proper protection chemical-resistant clothes, a mask or respirator and gloves. Now you have to prepare the mixture.

    Photo 5Follow the instructions on the bottle carefully and never exceed the recommended concentration.

    Fill the spray tank with the mixture and apply 5 liters (1.32 gallons) of the termicide on each square meter (10.86 foot) of soil.

    When injecting Termidor into the previously drilled holes double the amount of liquid per meter. After the distribution seal the hole.

    Usually the full elimination of the termites should come latest in three months after such treatment.

    The producing company also claims that the protection created can last as long as 15 years.

    So, let’s review what we’ve learned:

    • Termidor termite pest control is an insecticide based on fipronil, with almost 100% effectivity on most of the insect pests.
    • It’s prohibited for pest treatment use in some states and in some European countries.
    • Where to buy termidor termite treatment? Nowhere. Termidor termite protection cannot be purchased or used by the homeowners directly and can be applied only by certified specialists.
    • The producing company claims that it’s not dangerous for pets or humans, but it’s well known for the possible wild life damage, especially for aquatic life if introduced in water.
    • The best is to use termidor outdoors as a soil treatment against subterranean termites.
    • The protection after the distribution of termidor can last up to 15 years.

    Useful articles

    If you interested in more information of termites we recommend you to read the following articles:

    Helpful video

    This video will tell you about how to use termidor for termites:

    Should I use Termidor treatment?

    Photo 6If you have a drywood termites, possibly it will be more efficient to make a complete structural fumigation instead or use other methods, even natural oils to prevent the infestation.

    But if your enemy is a subterranean termite or specifically Formosan termite, that is known for being able to destroy a structure in 6 months, then maybe Termidor is a treatment for you.

    Just be careful and choose a reputable pest control operator for the task.

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