Photo 1Termites are a serious threat to every house.

And in order to protect the property house owners are usually looking for different protection methods.

Of course, barriers which are applied and installed before termite infestation are always more effective and can save a lot of money.

If you want to avoid further house destruction, you have to think about possible termite invasion in advance.

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  • What is termite barrier?
  • Types of physical termite barriers
  • Strip shielding and granite aggregate
  • Vetiver oil
  • Sand termite barrier
  • Useful articles
  • Final decision
  • What is termite barrier?

    Photo 2Termite barriers are special barriers which protect the building or any other possible areas from possible termite infestations.

    This means that these barriers do not serve as a treatment way but they are used as a preventive measure.

    Different barriers can be used for different purposes.

    Subterranean termite infestation is the most popular one, termite barriers are mostly used against this type of termites. Subterranean termites live in the soil and like moisture.

    They prefer eating wood and other cellulose materials. The problem is that if these termites are looking for food, they will not stop even in front of soft concrete, plastic, metal, etc. That is why it is very important to find effective termite barrier which will protect the property against possible damage.

    Termite barriers are mostly poured or installed in the soil but can be also applied to the wooden surfaces. There are different types of termite barriers but these two are the most common ones:

    • chemical barriers;
    • physical barriers.

    Chemical barriers usage means pouring the chemicals into the soil. These chemicals prevent termite appearance. Different chemicals can be used but repellents are the most popular ones because they have a special way of acting: as soon as termites contact the chemical, they die.

    This signalizes the rest of the colony that they have to leave the place. The biggest disadvantage of this method is that termites start looking for the holes in the barrier in order to reach the food. That is why the “protection line” should be complete.

    Physical barriers usually mean a special “protection line” between the soil and the house which makes it difficult for termites to get into the house. Physical barriers are made of different solid materials and include stainless steel mesh usage or any other hard-to-be-eaten-materials.

    Advice! Protection from termite infestation will be even more effective if you use both chemical and physical barriers.

    Physical termite barriers are created in order to be used for foundation of the house; this means that these barriers are mostly installed during the construction level.

    You can prevent the infestation by using following barriers: HomeGuard, Safeguard, Kordon.

    The problem is that comparing with chemical termite barriers physical termite barriers cannot guarantee 100 percent effectiveness. The point is that over some time termites can break your “protection line’ by eating this barrier, even if it is made of non-cellulose material.

    Here you can learn more information about another effective termite control remedies: Bora-Care, Boric acid, Borate, Fipronil, Chlorpyrifos, Chlordane, Borax, Timbor, Termidor, Terminator, Phantom, Lorsban and Biflex.

    Types of physical termite barriers

    Photo 3There are different types of physical termite barriers which can be used for house protection:

    • strip shielding;
    • granite aggregate;
    • stainless steel mesh;
    • termite membranes or chemically impregnated sheets.

    Stainless steel mesh termite barriers are still widely used against termite invasions and today there are many modernized ones. If you decide to install stainless steel mesh termite barrier below the ground, you will protect your house from termite invasion.

    Stainless steel mesh termite barrier is usually used for slabs, masonry and around pipes. If you add this barrier during the construction period, termites will be unable to penetrate the house. The reason is that the holes in the mesh are too small for termites and this protects the house from termite infestation.

    Termite membranes and chemically impregnated sheets represent a mixture of chemical and physical termite barriers. This type of barrier seems to be one of the most efficient because such chemicals as bifenthrin and deltamethrin are used.

    These chemicals are penetrated inside of sheets. This means that the barrier serves as a very effective prevention method against termites.

    Here you can learn more information about termite bait systems: Advance, Green, CSIRO, Nemesis, Exterra, Firstline, Terminate. Also find out how to make baits by yourself and how to refill them?

    Strip shielding and granite aggregate

    Strip shielding and granite aggregate are not very popular today because they have not shown their high effectiveness. Furthermore, in the modern market there are many other effective and cost saving options.

    Photo 4Strip shielding means special metal sheets usage. These sheets are installed on the tops of stumps under suspended timber floors.

    As far as shielding is made of metal materials, it takes a lot of time and efforts for termites to reach the wood.

    In this case if termites invade this place, you will see huge tubes in the shield.

    These holes will signalize you and pest control service that termite treatment is needed.

    Granite aggregate includes crushed granite usage. Granite is placed around pipes and behind lower bricks. The point is that crushed granite comes in a certain size and shape. It becomes very hard for termites to move through this granite barrier.

    Furthermore, termites are unable to move granite because it is too big and heavy for them.

    Here you can learn more information about effective treatment method called tenting (fumigation): dangers for termites, preparing for fumigation and cleaning after, how long does this procedure last?

    Vetiver oil

    Vetiver oil can be used as a green barrier against termites. Furthermore, sometimes it is used as a treatment method.

    Advice! Vetiver oil is more effective when it is used with Nootkatone.

    Of course, vetiver oil cannot be applied into the soil because you will need a huge quantities; that is why this oil is mostly used for surface protection. Unfortunately, vetiver oil does not show high effectiveness, because vetiver only leads to reduced survival of termites. But if you are afraid of chemicals’ usage, you can easily apply this oil.

    Learn more about subterranean termites: signs of their activity; best methods of treatment and DIY methods. Eastern subterranean termites and their tunnels and tubes with photo.

    Sand termite barrier

    As far as termites prefer living and moving in the soil, sand can become a physical barrier against Subterranean termite infestation. Sand can be erected around the perimeter of the house.

    The barrier should be not closer than twenty inches from the foundation and four inches in depth will be enough. Actually sand termite barriers have not shown 100 percent effectiveness but they are still used as a cost-effective method. Sand termite barriers will be more effective if the sand is erected together with chemicals.

    Useful articles

    If you interested in more information of termites we recommend you to read the following articles:

    Final decision

    Photo 5Comparing with termite treatment termite prevention is cost-effective and can save your time and property.

    There are different barriers which can be used including chemical and physical ones.

    Termite barriers are mostly used during construction period but can be also installed after it.

    As far as termites can penetrate the house through different holes, cracks, space around pipes and tubes, special attention must be paid to these areas.

    Chemical barriers mostly include repellent usage but not all of them can be applied to the soil and near water. Furthermore, chemical barriers sometimes can be poisonous to humans, pets or plants. Physical barriers (if installed properly) can show high effectiveness, but do not give 100 percent warranty against termites.

    In addition, termite barriers will show the highest efficiency if they are installed during construction period. In order to make the protection of the house complete both chemical and physical barriers are to be used. The majority of termite barriers must to be installed by professionals; that is why it is always a good thing to call local pest company and ask for their help.

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