Review of Premise Chemical for Termite Control

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Termites are harmful creatures, which consume wood and can make a real disaster out of your house. Actually, these insects are great helpers in the forest. They consume fallen trees.

But the situation in your house is different. You should prevent these creatures from destroying your sweet home. That’s why home owners use various insecticides. On the market you can find a reach choice of them.

Some products are safer than others, some can be more effective, others have a better price and so on. You need to find the best one for you, that matches all your conditions. We are going to focus on review of a Premise for termite treatment.

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  • What is premise?
  • Advantages of premise chemical for termite control
  • Premise termite control program
  • Useful articles
  • Helpful video
  • Conclusion
  • The slogan of the company is “You bought a house to call home, not to feed termites.” Sounds great, it is high time to find out how it works.

    What is premise?

    Photo 2Premise is a non-repellant insecticide which appeared on the American market about 7 years ago.

    Premise termite treatment is usually applied to soil, and Treated Zones are created to protect the wood in your house from destroying termites.

    The unique chemistry of this product binds to soil and can’t be washed away.

    The premise is a non-repelling insecticide and pests can’t detect it in the soil under your house. So, termites enter the treated zones.

    In this area termites come into contact with the product or ingest it, later on they can come back to their nest, share it with other termites and die.

    According to specialists, such method is more effective than repellent insecticides. When you use a repellent one, it creates a barrier round your house and termites go away, the product doesn’t kill them.

    In the upcoming future you can receive more termite attacks, the repellent won’t save you from them. Termites are usually coming through breaks in the soil. And you will need to carry on with fighting. The specialists will tell you that this won’t happen with premise anti termite chemical.

    For seven years it has gained a reputation of effective and long lasting product which can be used in termite treatment.

    The premise for termites is produced by Bayer. It was already successfully used in more than a million houses in the USA. This insecticide gives immediate protection from termites. The termites are eliminated while they contact with premise or ingest it.

    The Bayer company is really confident in their product, that’s why they launched a written guarantee for termite controllers. In case the Premise is not effective the company will pay for the product itself, labor costs, damage costs and more. Such policy shows homeowners that the premise termite chemicals are a really effective method.

    To prevent the house from termite attacks you need to install a special premise treated zone. It is quite complicated, only specialists are allowed to do that.

    Here you can learn more information about effective termite control remedies: Bora-Care, Boric acid, Borate, Fipronil, Chlorpyrifos, Chlordane, Borax, Timbor, Termidor, Terminator, Phantom, Lorsban, Biflex, Terro. You can choose different forms, such as – foam, liquid, powder.

    Advantages of premise chemical for termite control

    Photo 3The strong point of Premise insecticide for termites is that it works differently from other insecticides.

    Quite often such products are made to keep termites away from the area not to kill them.

    You need to be really careful with termites, because they use every minute to enter to your house.

    Premise is a neutral product, which has no smell, taste or odor, that’s why even smart termites can’t detect it.

    Bayer behaves really professionally on the market. They made the most detailed analysis of premise, which was remarkable in the whole USA pest control history.

    Bayer found out that 99% of the houses which were treated with premise didn’t need any retreatment for the 5 whole years. The premise has outstanding results and its producers note that there are no more reasons to use something else against termites.

    The great advantage of premise is that it eliminates termites in three different directions.

    As the product works in different ways, it is able to eliminate individual termites and also targets the whole colony. Termites ingest the insecticide while they are going home through tunnels. They contact with it also, foraging in treated soil.

    And, finally, they carry the premise into the nest. A lethal dose of premise can be received just from contacts in the nest. The premise producers pay attention to the fact that termites live in large colonies and interact with each other.

    The homeowners are really delighted with the fact that premise soil treatment remains in exact place for a long time even after the attacks of termites were stopped.

    Premise soil zones continue preventing the termites from coming to your place. Such zones under and around the building perimeter is an effective method against termites, better than bait stations.

    Here you can learn more information about termite bait systems: Advance, Green, CSIRO, Nemesis, Exterra, Firstline, Terminate. Also find out how to make baits by yourself and how to refill them?

    Premise termite control program

    Photo 4First of all, you need to invite a premise termite control specialist who will inspect all the premises to find out what is the level of infestation and property threat.

    Later on he can recommend you how and where you can use premise soil treatment.

    Such program is effective and doesn’t cost much.

    Actually, the cost of treatment depends on the building’s design and size, infestation extent, risks of termite attacks and so on.

    To protect the house from termites you need to work hard in cooperation with pest control specialists. First of all, your house should be inspected thoroughly inside and outside, from foundation to roofline. Such inspection shows if there are any termites in the house, how to cope with them and prevent attacks in the future.

    If the house is infested, the specialists offer you an individual plan of home protection. It depends on the house age, history of infestation,structural traits, previous treatments, possible entry points and so on.

    For applying premise to soil around your house the specialists dig a narrow trench along the foundation wall. Such structures of the house as voids and joints between the interior and exterior structures are also treated.

    Here you can learn more information about effective treatment method called tenting (fumigation): dangers for termites, preparing for fumigation and cleaning after, how long does this procedure last?

    Useful articles

    If you interested in more information of termites we recommend you to read the following articles:

    Helpful video

    In this video you will learn more about the treatment with Premise:


    Photo 5On the market there is a great choice of various termiticides.

    But Premise is only compared with Termidor.

    Both products have been tested by a great number of homeowners.

    The premise has been used for a longer period of time, and it is very effective. More than that, Premise is cheaper than Termidor.

    So, this popular product by Bayer is worth trying. We hope that you can cope with termite infestation or prevent termites from coming to your house.

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