Termite killer poisoning

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Termite infestation is very dangerous for the house and may lead to huge money losses when the treatment is needed.

Of course, house owners are looking for the safest ways which can help to get rid of termites.

There are many different poisons which can eliminate termite problem and will be effective as well.

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  • What are the options for poisoning termites?
  • Permethrin
  • Bio-Blast
  • Bora-Care
  • How to make termite poison by yourself?
  • Arsenic dust
  • Useful articles
  • Final decision
  • What are the options for poisoning termites?

    Photo 2In order to answer this question, we have to realize how the poison can affect termite. There are two different ways:

    • stomach poison;
    • hormone.

    Stomach poison works exactly according to the poison name: it affects termite stomach making termite unable to eat and termite dies from starvation. This type of poison can eliminate termite problem by killing the whole colony.

    Of course, termites will not be able to transfer poison to the rest of the colony but if treated area attracts workers (which feed the whole colony), the rest of termites will die from starvation as well, but it will take some time.

    Hormones act in a different way. As soon as termite eats it, the insect becomes unable to grow further. Unfortunately, this type of poisoning will not kill the whole colony.

    Depending on termite type and the infested area there is a variety of poisons which can be used:

    • liquid;
    • foam;
    • granule;
    • gas.

    Here you can learn more information about effective termite control remedies: Bora-Care, Boric acid, Borate, Fipronil, Chlorpyrifos, Chlordane, Borax, Timbor, Termidor, Terminator, Phantom, Lorsban, Biflex, Terro. You can choose different forms, such as – foam, liquid, powder.


    Photo 3Permethrin’s active ingredient is pyrethroid. Though it may seem that pyrethroid is a chemical but it is a natural extract from chrysanthemum flower.

    Permethrin is one of the safest poisons against termites and it can be even used on food and plants, and it is safe to human and animals.

    Permethrin begins acting when termite eats or touches it. This poison affects termite nervous system making termite unable to move. After some time termite dies.

    Unfortunately, Permethrin will not solve termite problem itself because it acts really fast, so, the poison does not give time the insect to transfer the poison to the rest of the colony.

    Attention! Permethrin may be dangerous to cats as they cannot break down the poison fast (as humans or dogs, for example).


    Sometimes Bio-Blast is also called Metarhizium anisopliae because this is the common name of a special type of fungus. This is a really popular fungus and can be found almost everywhere, including backyard. Another name of it is green fungus.

    Bio-Blast is effective against many types of termites, including Subterranean, Formosan, Dampwood and Drywood termites. As far as this is a natural poison, Bio-Blast can be used in any kind of buildings.

    Learn more about drywood termites: signs of their activity; best methods of treatment: spot treatment and DIY methods; how to get rid of them in furniture?

    And about subterranean termites: signs of their activity; best methods of treatment and DIY methods. Eastern subterranean termites and their tunnels and tubes with photo.

    Bio-Blast has special spores which penetrate termite body and attack its exoskeleton. As soon as this happens, fungus start growing inside of termite body and sometime later it dies. One direct contact (feeding or grooming) is enough to transfer fungus to the whole colony.

    This makes Bio-Blast very effective against termites. Unfortunately, when termites get sick, the rest of the colony notices it and further transfer becomes almost impossible. But fungus grows rather slowly what makes its attack very powerful.

    It may take from several days to a week for Bio-Blast to kill a termite: everything depends on the environment. If there are no termites (which means that there is no place to grow for fungus), Bio-Blast will disappear after sixty to ninety days.


    Photo 4Bora-Care is a special product which active ingredient is borate salt.

    Borate salt is a natural component which can be found almost everywhere.

    Bora-Care is an effective measure against termites and can be applied on any kind of wooden or cellulose surfaces, foundations, penetrations, concrete, etc..

    Furthermore, Bora-Care can easily penetrate the wood what makes the treatment more efficient.

    Advice! In order to protect your house from future infestations and avoid retreatment, eliminate all moistures of structures. Moistures may make Bora-Care lose its effectiveness over time.

    Today Bora-Care is mostly used as a preventative measure against termites because it belongs to repellent category of poisons.

    As soon as termite eats treated wood, Bora-Care affects termite body and the insect becomes unable to move. This leads to termite starvation and death. Bora-Care helps to protect the wood from the infestation and destruction. Furthermore, termites have no resistance to this poison.

    Here you can learn more information about termite bait systems: Advance, Green, CSIRO, Nemesis, Exterra, Firstline, Terminate. Also find out how to make baits by yourself and how to refill them?

    How to make termite poison by yourself?

    When you meet termites attack you should realize that depending on the size of infestation it may be difficult to exterminate all the colonies but still there are some useful methods which you should know:

    • Aloe Vera gel. You make a spray using this plant. Mix one part of crashed Aloe Vera and five part of water and spray on the infested area. When termites contact the treatment zone, they get infected and then transfer the poison to other members of the colony.
    • Photo 5

    • Sodium Chloride. Sodium Chloride can be also sprayed on the infected areas, or you can make small balls and place them where termites are located. This type of poison is effective because it prevents termite future appearance.
    • Petroleum Jelly. Petroleum Jelly does not have to be mixed with anything; just rub the poison on wooden surfaces. Do not forget to clean this area a couple of days later.
    • White Vinegar. White Vinegar should be mixed with olive oil. Mix 0,5 cup of vinegar and two cups of oil and rub wooden surfaces. Clean these places a couple of days later.
    • Salt solution. Salt is really popular against termites. You can use one-to-one ratio and make a solution. Spray this mixture on the infected areas or pour it into the holes.

    Arsenic dust

    Arsenic is really popular in the pest industry and is one of the most important ingredients in many termite killing poisons. The advantage of this poison is that it does not have any smell or taste. Unfortunately, arsenic can be toxic to humans and animals, so, in order to avoid risks, you have be careful with applying.

    You have to make sure that you do not touch the poison (it may cause skin irritation), do not breathe or swallow it. Of course, arsenic is very poisonous for termites.

    Arsenic can be referred to non-repellents as termites are not able to somehow feel it. This means that they can easily transfer the poison to other termites and the whole colony will be exterminated.

    Attention! Arsenic is effective only against Subterranean termites.

    According to modern researches arsenic applying is the only remote control for termites that can be recommended. Scientists claim that Arsenic can be used in big buildings together with different kinds of bait systems.

    Useful articles

    If you interested in more information of termites we recommend you to read the following articles:

    Final decision

    Photo 6If you decide to fight termite infestation, you can stop your choice on poisons which are less dangerous (comparing with chemicals).

    The problem is that not all the poisons are as effective as you want to. A lot of them cannot solve termite problem if the infestation is huge.

    Basically, termite poisons’ usage will help you to detect termite problem, prevent their future appearance or kill some colonies (sometimes they cannot even destroy the whole colony).

    Furthermore, one type of poison will definitely not help you to solve termite problem: you have to use several treatment ways.

    So, in order to find out whether you can use regular poisons instead of chemicals or not, you have to realize the extent of the problem. And in this case a professional advice might be needed.

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