Termite control chemicals

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Many house owners are unaware that if there is a termite infestation in the house, usually home insurance companies do not cover the losses which termites cause.

But if you discover termites in the house, you have to find the way how to fight them and in this case different chemicals usage may be needed.

These chemicals are called termiticides.

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  • Termite control chemicals
  • Types of chemicals against termites
  • Biflex
  • Termidor and Premise
  • Risks when applying termiticides
  • Which chemical to choose?
  • How to make a chemical by yourself?
  • Useful articles
  • Final decision
  • Termite control chemicals

    Photo 2Termiticides are very effective against termites but today they are not very stable and do not stay in the soil, for too long.

    About twenty years ago stable termiticides were applied (like chlordane, aldrin, lindane, etc., for example) but they were not safe for humans and the environment; that is why it has been decided to remove them from the market.

    Today pest control industry has found many new chemical ingredients and other ways which are much safer if they are applied according to label instructions. Usually new termiticides stay effective in the soil for five to ten years but everything depends on the environment and type of the soil.

    Of course, different chemicals have both advantages and disadvantages; so, before applying you have to examine all the information about the product and get the professional advice.

    Learn more about subterranean termites: signs of their activity; best methods of treatment and DIY methods. Eastern subterranean termites and their tunnels and tubes with photo.

    Types of chemicals against termites

    There are different types of termiticides which can be applied in different places and against different types of termites.

    Basically, termiticides can be divided into two groups:

    • repellents (permethrin, cypermethrin, bifenthrin);
    • non-repellents (fipronil, imidacloprid, chlorfenpyr).

    Repellents are usually applied directly into the soil and are used for house protection and to control termite activity.

    Notice! If there are gaps in the repellent treatment, termites can attack your house.

    Another problem which may appear is that repellents do not destroy the whole colony: they kill only those termites which contact chemicals. Today pyrethroid soil treatments are the most popular among repellents.

    Photo 3Non-repellents is a relatively new type of termiticides and are believed to be very effective as they can destroy the whole colony.

    Termites are not able to notice the chemical (or they get covered with it) and they spread it to the whole nest.

    Non-repellents’ disadvantage is that you will not see the result immediately; you will have to wait for some time.

    The reason is that non-repellents’ active ingredients attack termite nervous system (this causes termite death) and the process needs some time.

    But unlike repellents non-repellents stay effective even if there are gaps in the treatment. Non-repellents’ active ingredients usually include fipronil, chlorfenapyr and imidacloprid.

    There are two more types of chemicals which can be applied against termites, depending on the type of treatment:

    • pre-construction;
    • post-construction.

    Of course, pre-construction chemicals are more efficient. Furthermore, they are more cost effective. Post-construction chemicals are successfully applied as well, but they are more expansive and they need more house owner’s effort, especially when reaching hidden areas.

    Here you can learn more information about effective termite control remedies: Bora-Care, Boric acid, Borate, Fipronil, Chlorpyrifos, Chlordane, Borax, Timbor, Termidor, Terminator, Phantom, Lorsban, Biflex, Terro. You can choose different forms, such as – foam, liquid, powder.


    Biflex is a repellent termiticide which active ingredient is bifenthrin. The biggest advantage of this product is its cost effectiveness.

    Biflex is applied to soil and when termite makes a contact with a treated zone, it dies. The problem is that Biflex will not eliminate the whole colony: only those termites which contacted treated soil will be dead.

    Biflex as a repellent termiticide is perfect for termite prevention and if you do not have any gaps around the house in the treatment zone, your house will be protected. Another situation appears when you have house infestation and you are applying Biflex around the house: termites become locked in the property.

    Termidor and Premise

    Photo 4Termidor and Premise are two very effective termiticides which belong to non-repellent category.

    They were created on the water base, have no unpleasant smell (actually they do not have any smell at all) and are relatively safe to humans, pets and other mammals.

    Furthermore, these two termiticides do not stay in the air and do not produce any harmful or unpleasant fumes.

    Termidor’s and Premise’s active ingredient is fipronil which is widely used in many countries and for different purposes. For example, this chemical is popular against fleas on cats and dogs. Termidor and Premise are believed to be a new step in the fight against termites as they are safe and very effective.

    In addition to this, they do not contain any organo-chlorine or organo-phosphate pesticides. Some time ago these pesticides had been removed from the market because they were determined as dangerous to the environment and humans’ health.

    As far as Termidor and Premise are non-repellent termiticides, termites are not avoiding them. That means that when you apply these chemicals, termites are not trying to find the gap in the treatment and are not trying to move along the treated area.

    Termites cannot see, smell or feel Termidor’s and Premise’s existence, that is why they easily enter the treated zone. After that termites transfer termiticides to other members of the colony and sometime after the whole colony is exterminated. Of course, elimination process will not happen immediately and you will have to wait for a couple of days.

    Attention! Several chemicals may cause some health problems to asthmatics.

    Here you can learn more information about termite bait systems: Advance, Green, CSIRO, Nemesis, Exterra, Firstline, Terminate. Also find out how to make baits by yourself and how to refill them?

    Risks when applying termiticides

    You should realize that any kind of chemicals can be dangerous, so, in order to avoid risks, you should study all possible instructions and follow them carefully.

    Photo 5For example, if you study label instructions for termiticides and follow them safely, termiticide will bring less harm and danger to health than sprays’ usage against fleas or cockroaches.

    The reason is very simple.

    The majority of anti-termite chemicals must be applied outside the house, into the soil, while anti-other-insects sprays are to be used indoors.

    Furthermore, almost all termiticides’ instructions recommend house owners take children and pregnant women out of the house for the treatment period.

    After the treatment the place should be air-ventilated for several hours. If all precaution recommendations are followed, that minimizes the risk of possible health problems.

    Of course, different termiticides have different ingredients, which mean that they may have different effect to humans’ health. But in fact the major part of chemicals is the same and this means that if chemicals are used properly and according to safety measures, risks are minimal.

    Which chemical to choose?

    Today different pest control companies prefer different chemicals and if you have decided to get a professional advice from two companies, you might be confused. Usually the reason of companies’ preferences is their experience.

    There are many factors which may influence their opinion (soil, environment, etc.), but this opinion is very important. If you ask them for the arguments, you can find a better solution of the termite problem.

    Advice! The highest permitted application rate of chemical is usually the best.

    There is no matter which product you are using, but the application rate is important; it also influences the period of how long the treatment effect will last.

    How to make a chemical by yourself?

    Photo 6You should always remember that sometimes only professional pest companies may deal with termite infestation, but if you feel that you can do it by yourself, you can use borate.

    Borate is a chemical which features are similar to boric acid. Borate can be easily dissolved in water and has low toxicity.

    If you apply borate, you can protect the wood from termites; moreover, borate will save this wood from decay.

    Of course, it is much better to use borate before or during construction. Spraying will be the most effective. Borate usage when termites are already in the house will be efficient but it will not solve the whole problem.

    The main reason is that non-professionals cannot reach all the places where termites have located their nests. In addition, borate will not save you against Subterranean termite which prefer soil.

    If you still have decided to use borate, you will find it in the store as a powder. When you apply borate and termite eats the treated wood, borate will attack termite stomach and it will die from starvation.

    Regular home-made borax recipe includes:

    • two parts of borate;
    • two parts of confectioner’s sugar;
    • one part of cornmeal.

    Mix all these components and leave them as bait. Sugar and cornmeal will attract termites.

    You can also mix borate with water and make your own spray. One teaspoon of borate will be enough for a cup of water. Do not forget to stir the solution, borate should be completely dissolved.

    While having termite infestation think that professional pest control companies also have borate-based products but these termiticides are much stronger and more effective.

    Useful articles

    If you interested in more information of termites we recommend you to read the following articles:

    Final decision

    Photo 7Termicides can be dangerous to humans and animals but if they are applied properly, risks become minimal.

    There are different types of chemicals but if you are planning to get rid of termites, it is much better to get an advice from professional pest control companies which have experience in this area.

    The point is that there are different factors which can influence your choice of chemical and you have to take into consideration all of them.

    Today repellents are mostly recommended as a preventative measure against termites and non-repellents are better to use when termites are already present.

    If you have decided to apply chemicals by yourself, you have to be careful and read label instructions. Furthermore, if you decide to install chemical soil barrier, you will need special equipment and knowledge.

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